Port of Los Angeles

Shore power mandatory by 2027 for all vessels by authority of CARB

Sustainability ambitions and initiatives

  • Mayor Garcetti launched Los Angeles’ Green New Deal (2019) — an ambitious update to​ the city’s first-ever Sustainable City pLAn (2015) to uphold the Paris Climate Agreement.

  • The Green New Deal aims to reduce municipal greenhouse gas emissions 55% by 2025; 65% by 2035; and reach carbon neutrality by 2045. Port-related greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 80% by 2050. 

  • San Pedro Bay ports (Long Beach and Los Angeles) signed the Clean Air Action Plan in 2017, which became superseded by the Ocean-Going Vessels at Berth Regulation.

  • The Port of Los Angeles aims to expand the use of shore power (or other emissions capturing technologies) to 100% of ships as part of a suite of emissions reductions programs for ocean going vessels by 2028. These aims are however superseded by the Ocean-Going Vessels at Berth Regulation from the California Air Resources Board (CARB), who demand all ocean-going vessels emissions to be zero by 2027. 

  • Signed shore power declaration at the One Ocean Summit 2022, agreeing to make best efforts to deploy shore-side electricity supply by 2028. 

Shore Power

  • According to the data of California Air Resources Management Board (CARB), a total of 167 ships of COSCO have berthed at Port of Long Beach/Los Angeles Port/Oakland Port in 2021, and the compliance rate of shore power use was over 92%.

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