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Selection of our projects and members

How it works

When you are enlisted you will get leads through our decarbonizer (or other tools). But how does it work? When a client fills out the data needed for a specific tool, you will receive a notification to provide a budget quote (when enlisted). It is as simple as that!

As a Supplier…

  • Any time a request is made via the Decarbonizer or other tool for a topic you enlist for, you will receive information about this lead with a request for budget quotation.

    We collect information on behalf of the shipowner to save you time answering questions and preparing a budget quote. You simply receive hot leads, as hot as they get.

  • We do not ask for any referral fees, commission, or any other payments for the fees. Why? And what's the catch?

    We believe ... Besides, we both know the maritime industry is small enough. Clients will find you anyway and we do not want to be middle-men. We want your life to be easier, not hard.

    The catch is that we will gain insights into what the market wants. We will never (!) use your data or personal information for our own gains. We will use anonymized data to gain better insights into what shipowners need. In fact, we aim to provide you with these insights in the future, so that you can make better decisions. All in due time.

  • Really? Yes really.

    We do not intent to be middle-men. We simply want to smoothen the sales process. We give you the leads, you remain in control.

    You can always choose to respond, or not.

    You can always choose to stop receiving leads.

    So what's the catch? For this service, we will share your company logo as part of our supplier list and we will use your feedback to improve our tools. Contact us via the helpdesk to learn more about how we use your feedback for these tools.

Frequently asked questions

  • If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. This could be an exception to that rule. The leads truly are free. However...

    The leads might be free, they will still take time from you to answer. Also, we cannot guarantee the client will get back to you, as we leave control in the hands of the paying user who can contact you - the supplier - and not vice versa.

    Additionally, Sustainable Ships will also benefit from having you as a 'free' preferred supplier, as follows:

  • By having you as a preferred supplier, we get to serve our members and users better. We can forward requests and questions we do not know to you, thereby helping our members better.

    Additionally our network of suppliers is increased, thereby strengthening our circle of influence as well, which in time should serve as a win-win for both parties.

  • Of course. We do not like being stuck to something you do not want either. Simply contact the helpdesk, say you want to quit, and it is done!

  • You are in control. We do not share or store any data or information you do not want to.

    We will use your guidance and feedback on budget quotes to make better estimates in the future. This will not only ensure a better tool for members, but will also save you time as supplier in the future, as your feedback will already be included.

  • Yes.

    If you become preferred supplier, we will share your company logo on website and tools as part of our effort to provide you with more leads.

  • Three reasons. First, if we take a commission or referral fee, we create incentives to work around Sustainable Ships. We do not believe that's smart.

    Secondly, you are the supplier. It is your project or product: are we entitled to a percentage simply because we got you a lead faster? We do not believe so.

    Thirdly, the leads are free but additional features, such as your personalized tools, quote software and potential future insights come at a premium.

    We believe this is a more sustainable and better business model for all parties involved.

Premium tools and services

  • Freemium is perfectly fine, especially if you just want to try it out for a while. The premium Captain Membership comes with quite a few perks however!

    Apart from all the downloads, full access to our AI, the ability to call a person to understand the lead better and requesting us to develop new tools, PDFs and Excels, you will get something way more valuable.

    You get your personalized webtool with your company logo and font directly on your website! Get your very own quote making or feasibility study tools online to save yourself precious time.

    The Captain Membership excludes building costs of the tool. Contact helpdesk for more information.

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