Explore decarbonization pathways for your ship by comparing technologies, CAPEX, OPEX and more
Case Studies
Find vessel or decarbonization measure examples in these case studies
This is a case study on the ‘Skoon Skipper’, a general cargo large Rhine vessel, with an average of 40 [kW] power demand while moored to which a shore battery is applied. Batteries can help you comply with shore power regulations where no infrastructure exists with limited to no CAPEX investments. CAPEX is €0 for this case study as the battery pack is rented at an estimated €400 dayrate. Purchase cost for battery pack are approx. €350.000. This case study is powered by our preferred partner Skoon.
This is a case study on how to decarbonize a fishing trawler - the Jacobus Maria - using shore power, battery hybrid EES and biofuels. 20% CO2 reduction is achieved, half of which stems from the use of biofuels (HVO). The hybrid battery pack is economically not feasible with the assumptions used and the operational profile. The Jacobus Maria has 1 MW installed engine capacity. Total cost would be at least €1M. 10% CO2 reduction can be achieved with approx. €50k.
This is a case study on how to decarbonize a ro-ro passenger vessel by applying Ecospeed to its hull. Ecospeed is a hard, non-toxic coating which provides long-lasting protection for all ship hulls. The hypothetic vessel is called ‘Lady Ice Cold’, a ro-ro operating in North-Western Europe with 33 MW installed engine capacity. Ecospeed reduces carbon emissions by 9% - 16% with a total CAPEX of €390.000.
This is a case study on how to decarbonize a tug by making it full electric. It is an homage to Damen’s electric tug ‘Sparky’. In practice, fully electrifying a vessel means to install a - very large - battery pack, in this case at least 3 MWh. This would also be the largest cost component, outweighing switchboard modifications, inverter and other electrical equipment. Cost reductions in OPEX/dayrate are high, between 50% to 90% in extreme cases.
This is a case study on how to decarbonize an inland waterway ship with solar PV technology. Flexible solar PV panels from Wattlab are placed on an inland ship’s hatches in order to reduce fuel consumption while idling or moored. In some cases, the auxiliary generators can be switched off, resulting in an expected CO2 reduction of 26% - 100%.
How to use the Decarbonize tool for your ship
After selecting your ship type and pressing start, you can check your ship details and customize your operational profile. Choose the amount of sailing days, increase or decrease power demand, change your specific fuel curve and more!
How much do you need to decarbonize? To which rules and regulations do you need to comply? Check out what you need to do and set your ambitious (or not so ambitious) targets here - we don’t judge!
Decarbonize! Choose up to three preferred carbon reduction measures: a shore power measure, a measure that prevents the combustion of fuel, and a measure to change your fuel. Compare different technologies and play around with the fuel costs to see how they impact your dayrate!
Customize your business case and determine how other ways of financing, different assumptions or the fuel price benefit your investment. This section is specially designed for the CFOs among us!
Input your email and receive a Price Indication PDF with a comprehensive overview for your vessel. The report includes a detailed cost breakdown for your technology and more background information on your preferred decarbonization measures. Contact the helpdesk at any time for support!
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Explore decarbonization pathways for your ship by comparing technologies, CAPEX, OPEX and more
IEC/IEEE 80005 is the main standard for shore power. This standard categorically divides shore power plugs and sockets into low voltage shore connection systems (LVSC < 1 MVA) and high voltage shore connection systems (HVSC > 1 MVA). LVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-3 for operability and IEC 60309-5 for dimensions. HVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-1 for operability and IEC 62613-2 for dimensions.
Get techno-economic guidance for the use of SBCC onboard your vessel, including operational impact, logistics and of course the costs for implementation.
This blog is a state of the use of methanol as marine fuel as “quick” reference for shipowners. Key points include costs for retrofitting the ship and engine, range between € 250-€650 per kW, elaboration on IGF code for low flashpoint fuels and technical considerations for conversion and working with methanol. Availability for methanol is good, but bunkering for large vessels mostly non-existent. Methanol price per kilogram is historically lower than regular MGO.
Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) of marine engines ranges between 155 and 200 g/kWh on optimal load settings, mostly dependent on engine speed (low, medium, high). Specific fuel consumption increases dramatically for approach at low power (30% Pmax) and especially at idle (7% Pmax).
Weighted average carbon footprint of steel is 1.85* tons CO2 to 1 tonne steel produced according to Mckinsey and the World Steel Association.
This case study examines a general cargo ship with an auxiliary engine of 116 kW that is outfitted with a battery to make it a ‘battery hybrid’ while at berth. The battery pack powers the ship for several hours while idling or moored and is recharged using the auxiliary engines. Cost savings generally occur with an average engine load below 50%, but are mostly dependent on engine maintenance costs, spares and consumables as well as total battery pack costs.