Fuel Cost Calculator
Calculate and compare total costs or VLSFO equivalent costs for three fuels. Includes fuel, EU ETS and FuelEU costs.
Shore Power Terminal Tool
Make a business case for shore power infrastructure by determining CAPEX, OPEX and kWh price for shore and ship
Average Shore Power Demand
Determine the average shore power demand in for different ship types to asses (on)shore power infrastructure requirements
Shore Power Quickscan
Make a business case for a shore power refit on board your ship including a techno-economic feasibility report
Explore decarbonization pathways for your ship by comparing technologies, CAPEX, OPEX and more
Overview of Shore Power Sockets and Plugs - IEC/IEEE 80005
IEC/IEEE 80005 is the main standard for shore power. This standard categorically divides shore power plugs and sockets into low voltage shore connection systems (LVSC < 1 MVA) and high voltage shore connection systems (HVSC > 1 MVA). LVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-3 for operability and IEC 60309-5 for dimensions. HVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-1 for operability and IEC 62613-2 for dimensions.
Ship-Based Carbon Capture Techno-Economic Guide
Get techno-economic guidance for the use of SBCC onboard your vessel, including operational impact, logistics and of course the costs for implementation.
The State of Methanol as Marine Fuel 2023
This blog is a state of the use of methanol as marine fuel as “quick” reference for shipowners. Key points include costs for retrofitting the ship and engine, range between € 250-€650 per kW, elaboration on IGF code for low flashpoint fuels and technical considerations for conversion and working with methanol. Availability for methanol is good, but bunkering for large vessels mostly non-existent. Methanol price per kilogram is historically lower than regular MGO.
Specific Fuel Consumption [g/kWh] for Marine Engines
Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) of marine engines ranges between 155 and 200 g/kWh on optimal load settings, mostly dependent on engine speed (low, medium, high). Specific fuel consumption increases dramatically for approach at low power (30% Pmax) and especially at idle (7% Pmax).
What is the carbon footprint of steel?
Weighted average carbon footprint of steel is 1.85* tons CO2 to 1 tonne steel produced according to Mckinsey and the World Steel Association.