EU ETS Maritime

The EU ETS (EU Emission Trading System) is a market instrument used by the EU to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is a ‘cap and trade’ system of allowances with a maximum amount of allowable emissions for participants. One allowance equals the right to produce 1 metric tons of CO2-equivalent. This right can be traded. For shipowners however, there will be no rights to be traded. Shipowners will de facto pay a ‘carbon tax’ from the get go.

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EU ETS Maritime in a nutshell

EU ETS started covering emissions from maritime transport in 2024. Shipping companies covered by the EU ETS are required to have an approved monitoring plan for monitoring and reporting annual emissions. Every year, companies must submit an emissions report for each of the ships under their responsibility, as well an emissions report at company level (aggregating the ship data to be reported for ETS purposes). The data for a given year must be verified by an accredited verifier by 31 March of the following year (or by 28 February if so requested by the administering authority). Once verified, companies must surrender (use) the equivalent number of allowances by 30 September of that year.

Shipping companies are subject to obligations under the MRV Regulation since 2018. Data must be reported through THETIS-MRV, a platform operated by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) which enables, among other benefits, the publication of reliable data on ships’ emissions.

EU ETS Maritime in depth

Frequently Asked Questions

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EU - EU ETS Directive 2023/959 – establishing system for GHG emission allowance trading

EU - RED Directive 2023/2413 - promotion of energy from renewable sources

EU - EU MRV Regulation 2023/957 - monitoring, reporting and verification

EU - EU C(2023) 6728 Annex I - rules for monitoring GHG emissions and maritime transport

EU - EU Regulation 2023/2449 – template for monitoring plan and emissions report

EU - EU Decision 2-24/411 – list of shipping companies specifying administering authority

EU - EU ETS and MRV Maritime general guidance document

EU - FAQ – Maritime transport in EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

EMSA - Webinar on the extension of ETS to maritime industry


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