Our Cause

To make the maritime industry sustainable

Why we do

We are driven by passion. A strong desire to do good in this world and help other shipowners to make the maritime industry sustainable. That is what ‘floats our boat’ at Sustainable Ships. This strong conviction is translated into what we call “our Cause”. It is a collection of the problems we are facing, our vision of a future without these problems, the role we play in solving those problems and the values that guide us while working towards that future.

What we do

Why we do things, is less easily conveyed as opposed to simply what we are doing. We provide ‘first aid for sustainability’. On demand and cost-effective feasibility studies and roadmaps for companies and shipowners who do not have the time or manpower to do it themselves. To make it on demand and cost-effective, we use tools that provide instant reporting. We are the first step in a shipowner’s sustainability journey, or the first ones to go to when you need help sustainlizing. We call this trick “tool + click = report”. Learn more about this in the ‘Our Role’ section.


Sustainable Ships Extended Version


The Problems