FuelEU pooling with full electric chemical tanker

An electric chemical tanker can compensate 69 ships, each consuming 2,555 mT MDO per year, in 2025

This case study determines the effects of pooling a fully electric small-sized chemical tanker with similar type vessels in the context of FuelEU Maritime. A chemical tanker with a deadweight of 5,000 to 8,000 metric tones and a fuel consumption of 2,555 metric tons of MDO is taken as reference. This vessel is then made ‘fully electric’, thereby creating a compliance surplus with FuelEU, and referenced within a larger pool of 10 ships. Fuel costs, EU ETS and FuelEU penalties are combined to determine an optimal pooling strategy. CAPEX is excluded from the analyses. MDO costs are set at €650 per mT, electricity costs at €0.10 per kWh, and EUA price at €65 per mT CO2. 

The results show that a single electric ship can include up to 69 ships in its pool in 2025, 17 in 2030, 6 in 2035, 2 in 2040, a half in 2045 and 0.25 ‘ships’ in 2050. Use the FuelEU Pool Tool below to further refine the analysis and make your own business case.


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