Sustainovation with ICO Terminals - Lunch and Learn

How do we deal with the challenges surrounding shore power? Why is standardization so important? And what will we achieve with collaboration? Find out together with Fanni Arvai, Innovation & Sustainability Manager at International Car Operators and passionate about changing the maritime industry in a positive way with a vision for a more inclusive and environmentally conscious future. In this lunch and learn, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges that surround shore power for terminals, 'Sustainovation' and working together to get more done. Watch this video to learn about:

  1. The sustainability and innovation plans of ICO terminals, a global leader in the port handling and storage of roll-on/roll-off cargo on its various deepsea terminals. They serve an extensive network of deep-sea shipping companies serving destinations worldwide to and from all continents.

  2. The challenges ICO terminals is facing with regards to onshore power supply, and how Fanni Arvai is tackling these for their sites.

  3. Why and how we can get more women in the maritime industry to create a better, more sustainable maritime sector.

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