How to decarbonize your ship - RoRo Cargo + shore power + FuelEU

Shore power for a RoRo Cargo ship can save approx. €250,000 per year in FuelEU penalties

This case study determines the impact of FuelEU Maritime on a shore power refit for a RoRo Cargo ship under multiple loading and operational conditions. Pending on the amount of days connected to the grid and the average load while moored, it is estimated that shore power can save €250,000 per year. Use the Shore Power Quickscan to make your own business case.

  • The case study is called ‘RoRo Lets Go’. Engine load settings are 40% while idling, resulting in an average power demand of approx. 1 MW.

  • A CO2 reduction of 100% is achieved while the engine is turned off (evidently) but overall CO2 reduction is 15% on an annual basis when the vessel is on shore power for ~ 60 days, or roughly 20% hooked on shore power per year.

  • CAPEX costs are estimated at € 1M, but depend heavily on transformer, switchboard and refit requirements.

  • OPEX savings for FuelEU Maritime alone are in the order of ~ €250,000 per year with a power demand of ~ 1 MW for ~ 60 days.


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