Optimize your FuelEU Maritime pooling strategy

Determine FuelEU, ETS and fuel costs while pooling up to ten ships

Sitting at a pool is fun. Understanding FuelEU Maritime pooling mechanisms is hard. Use the FuelEU Pool Tool to make it easier! 

With the FuelEU Pool Tool, you can compare cost impact of FuelEU, EU ETS and the fuel itself while pooling up to ten (10) ships. You are able to choose between all listed fuels of FuelEU Maritime, blend different quantities of fuel, pool together a FuelEU balance surplus if you have it and determine your most effective cost-strategy for compliance until 2050. You can even change fuel properties to reflect your own fuel blends, especially useful if you have specific biofuel blends that are not listed in the regulation. Sustainable Ships members and paid users can download the Excel and have access to additional features, such as building unlimited ships. 

Download FuelEU Pool Tool

This Excel sheet will allow you to perform and save your own analyses on FuelEU and help to determine a FuelEU strategy for your fleet. Includes more customization options, such as extra-EU fuel consumption for better estimates of your pool and adjustments of EU ETS emission factors. 

FuelEU Maritime in a nutshell

Check the FuelEU Maritime section for the latest updates

FuelEU Maritime is an EU mandated regulation that applies to all ships of above 5,000 gross tonnage that serve the purpose of transporting passengers or cargo for commercial purposes, regardless of their flag, arriving at or departing from EU/EEA ports. The goal of FuelEU Maritime is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of ships when travelling to, from or within the EU. Broadly speaking FuelEU Maritime requirements consist of:

  1. Provisions setting a limit of GHG intensity [gCO2 eq / MJ]  of energy used on board. From 2025 onwards, shipping companies subject to FuelEU need to calculate emissions per unit of energy used on board, based on their reported fuel consumption and the emissions factors of their respective fuels.

  2. Provisions mandating the use of shore power (onshore power supply / OPS) or zero-emission technology in port for containerships and passenger ships while moored while in EU/EEA port from 2030 onwards.

FuelEU Maritime puts the responsibility for compliance on the shipping company. Ships subject to FuelEU Maritime are required to monitor fuel consumption, data and voyage information as per their FuelEU Monitoring and Reporting Plan. The shipowner is required to report this information each year to an accredited verifier as per their FuelEU Report. Data collected by EU MRV Regulations is to be used when carrying out FuelEU Maritime calculations and reporting. The verifier calculates greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity for the reporting year, determines (non-)compliance to the regulation and calculates penalties.

Failure to comply with the regulations means a shipping company exceeds the GHG intensity limits. In this case the shipping company is obliged to pay a penalty for the excess. The GHG intensity limit will be strengthened every five years: 2% as of 2025, 6% as of 2030, 14.5% as of 2035, 31% as of 2040, 62% as of 2045 and 80% as of 2050 in comparison to a reference value of 91.16 [gCO2eq/MJ].

About pooling

Pooling under FuelEU Maritime refers to the practice of combining the compliance balances of multiple ships to meet the regulations' requirements and incentivize investment in advanced technologies. It requires calculating compliance balances, registering ships' intentions to participate in a pool, and selecting a verifier. 

A pool is valid only if the total pooled compliance balance is positive, if ships which had a compliance deficit do not have a higher compliance deficit after the allocation of the pooled compliance, and if ships which had a compliance surplus do not have a compliance deficit after the allocation of the pooled compliance. Furthermore it should be noted that for the same reporting period:

  • Borrowing is not allowed when pooling.

  • Pooling can be set up by two or more shipping companies.

  • A ship’s compliance balance may not be included in more than one pool.

  • Pooling is explained in article 21 of the FuelEU Maritime regulation.

FuelEU Maritime in depth

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