United Kingdom

  • UK Chamber of shipping has adopted a target of net-zero emissions by 2050.

  • UK Chamber of Shipping advocates widespread shore power adoption by 2030.

  • At present, only two ports in Britain are equipped for shore power – Orkney and Southampton.    

About UK

  • The United Kingdom (UK) has traditionally been very progressive in terms of environmental protection on land, but insignificant at sea. Additionally, due to political upheaval in the last few years including Brexit, legislation with regards to maritime sustainability has been minimal. This has resulted in almost no dedicated legislation for vessels and arguably the least amount of shore power connections of any developed country. Recently an uptake on sustainability and decarbonization is taking place, and new ambitions have been announced focussing on shore power and the duplication of the European MRV and ETS system for shipping.

  • The UK Chamber of Shipping has adopted a target of attaining net-zero emissions by 2050, twice the current level of ambition at IMO. It wants to see British shipping accelerate its decarbonization efforts, to include widespread adoption of shore power at UK ports by 2030. It forms part of new 12-point regulatory framework being called for by the industry to drive widespread adoption of shore power and other zero emission options by 2030 at the latest (download the shore power position paper here).

  • For certain types of vessels, in maritime ports, shore power will need to cover at least 90% of a vessel’s requirement starting in 2025. At present, only two ports in Britain - Orkney and Southampton - are equipped for shore power. TEN-T core and comprehensive inland waterway ports need to provide at least one installation that supplies shore side electricity to inland waterway vessels with some ports starting in 2025.

  • For vessels operating in UK waters, the UK MRV and UK ETS systems are being developed to monitor (MRV) and tax (ETS) emissions from shipping. These are supplementary to the EU MRV and EU ETS systems and only apply to UK-UK and UK-external travels. When travelling from and to a European site, the system is not required. More information is provided in the subsequent chapters.


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