IMO Carbon Price
The IMO GHG working group has proposed a global carbon tax of approx. $100 per mT CO2
Much remains unclear
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GHG Working Group finalizes guidelines to support implementation of carbon intensity measures and agrees to further develop a "basket of candidate mid-term measures" including technical and carbon-pricing elements. the Working Group agreed to advance towards the further development of a "basket of candidate mid-term measures" – integrating both technical (for example, a GHG fuel standard and/or enhancement of IMO's carbon intensity measures) and carbon pricing (for example, through a market-based measure) elements. the Working Group agreed to advance towards the further development of a "basket of candidate mid-term measures" – integrating both technical (for example, a GHG fuel standard and/or enhancement of IMO's carbon intensity measures) and carbon pricing (for example, through a market-based measure) elements.
Cost estimate
The Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands have proposed a carbon price of $100 a tonne fuels, while Maersk has called for a $150/t levy. The shipping industry’s trade association has previously supported a levy of just $2 a tonne of fuel to fund research and development of clean shipping technology. That translates to a carbon price of $0.64/t.