General Tutorials

This blog is intended to guide you with the most important operations and activities we do at Sustainable Ships. For tutorials that apply to Squarespace,, Notion or Excel, scroll down below.

How to Lunch and Learn

Key Takeaways

You can organize a Lunch and Learn with a (technology) partner who is interested in becoming a preferred partners, or simply likes to present his or her thing. Find examples of previous Lunch and Learns below. Use them as inspiration, you do not have to copy them.

  1. Send presenter an email to ask if he or she would like to organize a lunch and learn session.

  2. Set a date with the presenter in Outlook, preferably a Friday at 12:00. Our guideline on how to present can be found here.

  3. Make a LinkedIn event on the Sustainable Ships page and post it. Invite potential interesting stakeholders.

  4. Do the Lunch and Learn session and make sure to record it!

  5. Trim the video (if needed) and add the Sustainable Ships introduction.

  6. Post video on YouTube.

  7. Make blog on Squarespace.

  8. Post video on LinkedIn and remove event post.

How to Project

Key Takeaways

You can find everything you need on projects in Rule 4 - Everything is a Project. Below is a short Tutorial that explains this rule to give you more context. Please note - this video might be outdated by the time you see it. The non-negotiables and everything in Rule 4 is leading and supersedes information in this video!

  1. Follow Rule 4, which states:

  2. Every project has Desired Result, Guidelines, Resources, Accountability and Consequences.

  3. The Informed Captain decides.

  4. If it is not in Notion, it is not a project.

How to add a Partner

Coming soon!

How we organize files

Coming soon!

How to do other stuff…

Are there things you would like to know more about? Comment below to ask for tutorials you would like to see and we can make sure you and other crew members will be better informed in the future!

More Tutorials


Standard NDA Crewmate


Squarespace Tutorials