Sustainable Ships Presentation Guide

Guidelines for presenting - primarily for Maritime Sustainability Q&As

Congratulations! You have been asked to do a presentation for Sustainable Ships, most likely a Q&A webinar. We are honoured to host you and hope to learn a lot. Below are the “commandments” when presenting on the Sustainable Ships platform, inspired by the TED Commandments. These rules should be seen as a guideline for presenting, not as an absolute truth. We also added the videos of previous sessions in order to provide some references. Feel free to contact us anytime by asking the chatbox or commenting below.


  • Strive for a presentation length of 5 minutes, followed by a (hopefully lengthy) discussion of 25 minutes. That will make it easier to be followed by future audience, more interactive, and allows you to engage the audience.

    Remember to keep it simple - less is more! You can always leave some information or slides available for questions.

  • Our values - courage, curiosity and collaboration - are born from an intrinsic motivation to to good. We try to imbue this positivity in everything that we do, and refrain from negative thinking, doing and saying. This mindset can be translated throughout your presentation by adhering to the following guidelines

    • Make some jokes (a minimum of 2 is advised).

    • Use positive adjectives and be enthusiastic to everyone, including enemies or competitors.

    • Don’t state problems only. State challenges along with solutions.

    • Use affirmations instead of negations (“it is good” is preferred over “it is not bad”).

    • Instead of saying something can, or cannot be done, focus on how it can be done.

  • Keep in mind that a lot of presentations, webinars and other content on the Sustainable Ships hub is publicly available. This principle is in-line with our value of collaboration, as we believe that information on maritime sustainability needs to be shared in order to create a better world. Unless an exception is provided, we also record your presentation and share it to the world.

    Remember this when giving your presentation and when you are giving answers to the audience.

    Of course you are always free to revoke content if you do not agree with it anymore - you are the owner. Also good to note is that we always leave room for an ‘unrecorded aftersession’ where people might be more open in sharing with the knowledge it will not be recorded.


Previous Tutorials


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