CO2 reporting system for carbon tax in EU for vessels of 5.000* GT and above

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Verification is performed by accredited verifiers which should ensure that monitoring plans and emissions reports are correct and in compliance with the requirements set out in this Regulation.

    As an important element to simplify verification, verifiers should check data credibility by comparing reported data with estimated data based on ship tracking data and characteristics. 

  • Non-compliance with the provisions of this Regulation should result in the application of penalties. Member States should lay down rules on those penalties. Those penalties should be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

    In the case of ships having failed to comply with monitoring and reporting requirements for two or more consecutive reporting periods and where other enforcement measures have failed to ensure compliance, it is appropriate to provide for the possibility of expulsion. Such a measure should be applied in such a way as to allow the situation of non-compliance to be rectified within a reasonable period of time.

  • Required parameters to be measured for the reporting are:

    Monitoring on a per-voyage basis

    • Port of departure and port of arrival including the date and hour of departure and arrival;

    • Amount and emission factor for each type of fuel consumed in total;

    • CO2 emitted

    • Distance travelled

    • Time spent at sea

    • Cargo carried

    • Transport work 

    Monitoring on an annual basis

    • Amount and emission factor for each type of fuel consumed in total

    • Total aggregated CO2 emitted within the scope of this Regulation

    • Aggregated CO2 emissions from all voyages between ports under a Member State's jurisdiction

    • Aggregated CO2 emissions from all voyages which departed from ports under a Member State's jurisdiction

    • Aggregated CO2 emissions from all voyages to ports under a Member State's jurisdiction

    • CO2 emissions which occurred within ports under a Member State's jurisdiction at berth

    • Total distance travelled

    • Total time spent at sea

    • Total transport work

    • Average energy efficiency

About EU MRV

The EU Monitoring, Reporting and Verification system is used to report CO2 emissions within European Economic Area (EEA) ports. Other greenhouse gases, climate forcers or air pollutants is not included in this stage to avoid requirements to install not sufficiently reliable or commercially available measuring equipment, which could impede the implementation of EU MRV. Such transparency aims to incentivize the uptake of more energy efficient technologies and behaviours in the sector.

The data must be verified by accredited third parties, with the aim of providing comparable data over time and robust information for further decision-making at the EU or the global level. It covers ships above 5000 gross tonnes calling at EEA ports for maritime transport purposes regardless of the flag they fly, and this threshold is likely expected to be lowered to 400 gross tonnes in the near future. Other ship activities (such as fisheries, offshore (support) activities) are currently discussed to be included as well. 



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ECA (Emission Control Area)
