Case studies

Illustrative examples on decarbonization measures, costs and regulations

How to decarbonize your ship - battery hybrid + varying engine load

This case study also examines a general cargo ship with an auxiliary engine of 116 kW that is outfitted with a battery to make it a ‘battery hybrid’ while at berth. Again the battery pack powers the ship for several hours while idling or moored and is recharged using the auxiliary engines. This time however, engine load is varied in different loading scenarios to determine the impact of different operational profiles on the business case.

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How to decarbonize your ship - general cargo ship with battery hybrid

This case study examines a general cargo ship with an auxiliary engine of 116 kW that is outfitted with a battery to make it a ‘battery hybrid’ while at berth. The battery pack powers the ship for several hours while idling or moored and is recharged using the auxiliary engines. Cost savings generally occur with an average engine load below 50%, but are mostly dependent on engine maintenance costs, spares and consumables as well as total battery pack costs.

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Inside The World's First Electric Cargo Ship - Yara Birkeland

Dubbed ‘the Tesla of the seas’ this fully-electrified, fully-autonomous cargo ship is already making waves. The Yara Birkeland has a 7MWh battery, charged by Norwegian hydro power. She can carry a little over 100 containers. The ship cost about 25 million dollars, about three times a “conventional ship price”, but will nonetheless cut OPEX for Yara by 90%.

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Introducing Oceanbird – the wind powered cargo vessel

Pioneering an innovative wind-powered propulsion technology, Wallenius Marine is launching Oceanbird as a next-generation, sustainable transport vessel. Here’s Carl-Johan Söder Naval Architect & Project Manager for Oceanbird with perspective on how Oceanbird promises to smash the International Maritime Organisation’s climate emission targets.

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