Case studies

Illustrative examples on decarbonization measures, costs and regulations

Tanker, Shore Power, Offshore Charging Vincent Doedee Tanker, Shore Power, Offshore Charging Vincent Doedee

Project BOEI - Lunch and Learn

On behalf of the Province of South-Holland, Sustainable Ships has been project leader of 'Project BOEI’, a techno-economic feasibility study on the electrification of tankers off the coast of Scheveningen, Netherlands. The study was performed with consortium members InnovationQuarter, Bluewater, Knutsen, EOPSA, Rijkswaterstaat, Campus@Sea, Port of Rotterdam, KVNR and Cavotec. This lunch and learn is the recording of the close-out session in which main findings were presented.

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Tanker, Shore Power, Offshore Charging Vincent Doedee Tanker, Shore Power, Offshore Charging Vincent Doedee

Project BOEI

Project BOEI is a techno-economic feasibility study on behalf of the Province of South-Holland on the electrification of tankers at the Scheveningen anchorage. The goal is to identify the most feasible technical solutions and risks, in addition to cost and emissions reduction estimation. Primary drivers are reduction of NOx and CO2 emissions. Total costs for all scopes combined is €14M (~€12M for infra and ~€2M for ship). E-anchor and subsea cabling are approximately 50% of all cost. Break-even price parity for shipowner and provider of power is at around €0.20-€0.25 per kWh.

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Ship-Based Carbon Capture Techno-Economic Guide

This blog provides techno-economic guidance for the use of SBCC onboard your vessel, including operational impact, logistics and of course the costs for implementation. Key points include the following; SBCC is applicable to virtually all ship types, sizes and fuel type but LNG is preferred. SBCC produces 2 m3 of CO2 per day per MW. SBCC costs €115 per ton CO2, is a CAPEX dominated technology and costs €175k per MW.

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Carbon Capture, Decarbonization Vincent Doedee Carbon Capture, Decarbonization Vincent Doedee

Equinor moves ahead with CCS

Following a historic vote in parliament on December 15th 2020, the Norwegian Government announced its funding decision for the ‘Northern Lights’ CO2 transport and storage project. The project aims to create a carbon capture and storage hub in Norway, open to third parties. It will be the first ever cross-border, open-source CO2 transport and storage infrastructure network and offers European industrial emitters the opportunity to store their CO2 safely and permanently underground.

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Carbon Capture, Emissions Vincent Doedee Carbon Capture, Emissions Vincent Doedee

Northern Lights CCS

According to Equinor, carbon capture and storage will be vital to reach the global climate goals of the Paris Agreement. They are very pleased that the Northern Lights partners and leading European companies have taken the first steps to realize a European CO2 transport and storage system! In simple terms, carbon capture and storage deals with removing CO2 from emission sources and storing it permanently underground, so that it is not released to the atmosphere.

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