
Sustainable Ships assisted Forsa with the exploration of multiple decarbonization pathways, in particular with respect to hybridization of a general cargo vessel and the use of biofuels. Additionally a detailed scenario planning for long-term decision making was made, that allowed the shipowner to quickly compare the costs of newbuild vs. refits with respect to several OPEX parameters including regulatory compliance.

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Van Oord

Sustainable Ships provided Van Oord with support on building their own Decarbonizer tool, to be used for scenario planning and long-term decision making with regards to sustainability. The services provided included weekly support on decarbonization methods, technologies and implementation on board two vessels of Van Oord.

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Navigate regulations, Shore Power Vincent Doedee Navigate regulations, Shore Power Vincent Doedee


Sustainable Ships provided Damen Shipyards with a customized report that provides an overview of upcoming rules and regulations with regards to sustainability. The project focused on interpreting rules such as EEXI and CII, calculate costs for EU ETS, and investigated beyond regulatory bodies into energy majors’ ambitions, ports and shipping companies. The report is used as a basis for long-term decision-making with regards to sustainability tailored to Damen’s portfolio.

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Steenstra Shipping

Sustainable Ships provided Steenstra Shipping with a Decarbonizer report, a customized roadmap for carbon reduction measures on board the Douwe-S. Sustainable Ships assisted with interpreting upcoming rules and regulations such as EEXI, determine approximate costs for carbon reduction measures like shore power, and had a look at using the existing economizer installed on board for alternative purposes. Steenstra Shipping will use the roadmap as a basis for long-term decision-making with regards to sustainability.

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