Rule 10 - Everything is done before

About our culture

Google has Googliness. Netflix has ‘Freedom and Responsibility’. What do we have?

Good question.

The truth is that culture is important. People are important. But dedicating time and valuable resources to defining what culture is, what it should be, what it should not be… Maybe not so much.

Until we have an answer for ourselves, we simply let our values guide our decision-making in the case our non-negotiables cannot. In the meantime, find below key takeaways on culture from other companies that we can learn from.

Lessons from other companies

  • From Reeds, Netflix: “Foster a culture that values people over process, emphasize innovation over efficiency, have very little control”. The latter part can be expressed as: have a decentralized organization that enables anti-fragility and front-level decision making.

  • It would be nice if we could do 1-4 hours per week self-development or organizational development. Sharpening the saw for the individual and/or company. Including teaching by older colleagues and mentorships. By making yourself better, you help the company. Don’t be too busy chopping wood instead of sharpening the axe. Develop and foster a culture of learning.

  • You cannot describe an organizational culture on paper.

Our values


Life lessons


Rule 9 - Everything comes to an end


Our Crew