Case studies

Illustrative examples on decarbonization measures, costs and regulations

Shore Power, Shore Battery, Decarbonization Vincent Doedee Shore Power, Shore Battery, Decarbonization Vincent Doedee

Overview of Shore Power Sockets and Plugs - IEC/IEEE 80005

IEC/IEEE 80005 is the main standard for shore power. This standard categorically divides shore power plugs and sockets into low voltage shore connection systems (LVSC < 1 MVA) and high voltage shore connection systems (HVSC > 1 MVA). LVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-3 for operability and IEC 60309-5 for dimensions. HVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-1 for operability and IEC 62613-2 for dimensions.

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