
Inspiring examples on maritime sustainability for shipowners and technology suppliers

Hurtigruten’s New Hybrid Ships

Designed in 2017 and launched in 2018, Hurtigreten has launched two new hybrid cruise vessels, the MS Roald Amundsen and MS Fridjof Nansen, that can sail fully electric for up to 30 minutes. Not only will it significantly reduce emissions, a hybrid system is also extremely quit. Arctic exploration has never been so much fun!

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee

A Front-Row Seat for the Arctic’s Final Summers With Ice

Freaked out scientists and gleeful captains of fossil-fuel tankers are now sailing through climate history in the melting polar region. Physicist Stefanie Arndt claims the Northern Sea Rout will become ice-free this decade or the next one.

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Vincent Doedee Vincent Doedee

Blue Ocean Event : Game Over?

From Just have a Think. A Blue Ocean Event, or Ice-Free Arctic, is the source of almost fever pitch speculation in the climate science world. The consequences of the disappearance of sea ice from the arctic ocean, however briefly, at the end of a summer melt season some time in the not too distant future, are potentially very ominous for the way we organise our human socio-economic structures today.

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