
With a target of a 40% reduction in net Scope 1+2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2015, TotalEnergies is in line with the European Union "Fit for 55" package. 

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Sustainability Report

About TotalEnergies

Following a recent name change, TotalEnergies adheres to their 2050 vision of a Net Zero TotalEnergies, together with society, in line with the Net Zero vision supported by the International Energy Agency.

With a target of a 40% reduction in net Scope 1+2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2015, TotalEnergies is in line with the European Union "Fit for 55" package. Furthermore, TotalEnergies has pledged to be net zero by 2050. To achieve this target, the company will spend the next ten years building the projects and skills needed to make TotalEnergies a net zero energy company by 2050. They aim for a combination of carbon capture and storage services with e-fuels to avoid up to 100 Mt of CO2 per year.

Shore Power

No shore power projects have been identified.

CO2 Fighter Squad

Since late 2018, a dedicated team for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, known as the CO2 Fighters, has been tracking greenhouse gas emissions across the company. It’s tasked with encouraging a low-carbon mindset within TotalEnergies, initiating energy efficiency projects, accelerating the electrification process at facilities and helping to introduce greener forms of energy consumption. The team has overseen more than 400 emissions reduction projects, most of which have cost less than $10 per ton of CO2. By 2025, 160 upstream projects and more than 200 downstream projects will yield reductions in Scope I and II emissions of 2.5 and 4.5 Mt of CO2 respectively

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