Talk with an Expert Presentation Guide

Guidelines for participants of the ‘Talk with an Expert’ series of Sustainable Ships

Ahoy Expert! We are honoured to host you for our series and we hope to learn a lot. Below are a few ‘commandments’ when presenting on the Sustainable Ships platform, inspired by the TED Commandments. These guidelines help us to achieve our goal of the series - to inspire other shipowners by sharing knowledge and experience on maritime sustainability. Feel free to contact us anytime by contacting the helpdesk for questions.


  • We do not set a time limit for our Talk with an Expert series. Although an hour would be enough for most listeners, you are free to continue talking and presenting as long as the dialogue ‘flows’. What that means is that we simply end at the moment we have discussed all questions and there are no further leads or interests to follow up on.

  • Our values - courage, curiosity and collaboration - are born from an intrinsic motivation to to good. We try to imbue this positivity in everything that we do, and refrain from negative thinking, doing and saying. This mindset is to be used throughout your presentation as follows.

    • Use positive adjectives and be enthusiastic to everyone, including your enemies.

    • Never just state problems. State challenges along with solutions.

    • Do not point fingers towards other parties, organization, companies or governments. Stick to your own circle of influence.

    • Use affirmations instead of negations (“it is good” is preferred over “it is not bad”).

    • Instead of saying something can, or cannot be done, focus on how it can be done.

    • Assume ignorance over malevolence. Some people may come across as haters, but this is usually because they do not understand. Almost no one actively tries to be evil!

    • You can make jokes. In fact, we encourage you to make a minimum of 2 jokes.

  • Before, during and after the recording you are in full control of the content! It is your content after all, you are therefore free to decide how, when and what to publish.

    Just keep in mind that it is Sustainable Ships ‘ intention to make your content publicly available wherever possible. This principle is in-line with our value of collaboration, as we believe that information on maritime sustainability needs to be shared in order to create a better world.

    Again, you are always free to revoke content if you do not agree with it anymore - you are the owner. It would be really sad if it were ever come to that however, so it is easier to simply keep in mind the public aspect of what we aim to achieve here.

  • We provide you with a choice on the structure of the episode - you can choose between:

    1. Presentation first and questions later.

    2. ‘Regular’ interview storyline

    In the first option, you have 18 minutes to do a presentation on a theme or topic, after which we will start asking questions.

    In the second option, you can start with a short introduction and we’ll simply start asking questions.

    In both cases, we will prepare questions in advance so you also have time to prepare. However, we do not intend to follow a fixed script. We like to have these questions as a guidelines and see where the conversation leads us.

    Of course, you are in control so you can always decide afterwards if there is content you like to cut from the interview!

  • In order to further our goal of inspiring through knowledge sharing, we normally like to invite colleagues or even potential clients, organizations or anyone from the maritime industry who stands to be positively influenced by your story. You are free to decide who and how many persons you like to have during the recording.


Talk with an Expert - in-depth interviews with experts on decarbonization technologies, emissions, rules & regulations and more


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